Thursday, September 17, 2020

September Self-improvement Month??


September Self-improvement Month??

            Many people would consider September to be a fresh start to self- improvement for the remaining year. September usually is the start for school, jobs or new programs for most people. For me September is the start of school, my new job and a possible internship. My goal is to do well in all these things, and begin to branch out and start doing things I want to do myself. However, I have a lot of things I can improve in myself in order to reach these goals..

         1. Procrastination

            Procrastination is a very bad habit that I have been struggling with since I was a kid. My problem is if I find something difficult or challenging I will push it off until the last minute to get it done. As a result, I either have a more difficult time or more work to do and it just seems like an endless cycle. Currently, I am trying to write things I have to do in a planner, and then prioritize what really needs to get done first. 

          2.Spending Money

            One of my goals this year is to really build my savings, and eventually buy a camera and equipment to start filming things on my own. I have a bad habit of buying unnecessary things or taking the money I saved out of my savings. I would like to establish a budget and stop touching my savings so I can actually move somewhere. I need to also stop eating out when I can eat food I already brought or packing food.


Wednesday, September 2, 2020



My Life Post Pandemic

        Throughout this pandemic, I have been through some big ups and downs in almost every aspect of my life. In my previous post, I touched on how I basically lost an important internship that could help me in my career. Living on campus was my way to get to the internship, and also (I didn't know at the time) the way I can get my school work done. When corona came, and all the residents were sent packing home I really watched everything go downhill. Classes being switched to online was very difficult for me and I struggled to finish strong. I personally don't take in information online as well as I would in person, so I had to really adjust to that change. Also being a Media Production major, I feel like most of my classes were classes I needed to be in person to learn. Some of classes I was learning for the first time how to film with a camera, operate equipment and also using editing programs. These are things I can't really learn without having those thing in front of me. My household is also a crazy one, it is hard to focus in that environment. My mother saw the pandemic as me having a free time, so I should basically be able to work... she harassed me into going back to my job at Walmart during this time. Before the pandemic, working at Walmart was not the best job but during corona it was equal to Hell. Everyday was complete chaos, from customers complaining, social distancing, protests and now the national coin shortage. I was thankful to have a job when others were less fortunate, but I would leave work everyday ready to cry. So trying to balance this new way of learning, and being overworked almost everyday I was stressed out.  My only good things that came out of the pandemic was being able to redo my room, and learning some new skills. Most was however was bad, but I am thankful to still be alive and good health!

Good News!

Good News😄

        Although we are still living through a post corona world, there is still some good things that can happen. Prior to the virus, I had been accepted into an internship for a production team for their spring class. This was very important to me because I would've received hands on training in the field, and have many opportunities to network. However, this internship particularly takes place in North Jersey, and sometimes different parts of New York. I live in South Jersey, but I was able to travel to these places when I lived on campus. Therefore, when corona happened and we all were told to go home, the internship ended there for me. It felt like all my opportunities were being taken for me, I was left feeling hopeless.

        Fast forward to about a week ago, the director of the internship announced a Fall program and opportunities for those of us who were affected by corona.  I am also now back on campus, so I have the ability to travel to these jobs if I am chosen again. This will also be more of a fresh start, now that things are starting to open up more giving more locations for clients. I now feel like I have a second chance, and I can hopefully still keep working towards my goals throughout this pandemic.